Here's a little story

About a little boy

Who had secondhand shoestrings

And secondhand toys

He had secondhand hamsters

Who had lost most their hair

And a secondhand clock

On walls which were bare

He had a second – hand watch

- which no longer told hours

It just clicked away seconds

And made a "ding!" on the hour

- So secondhand Stephen

Had secondhand friends

Who played the same games over

- and over again

They played deflated basketball

And baseball with dowels

They played with secondhand super-heroes

Who had lost all their powers

They built kingdoms from cardboard

With toilet-paper-roll towers

And the sign on Steven's clubhouse said:


'Cause Stephen didn't have

Any vowels

Stephen's mother and father

Worked at a secondhand store

That raised money from donations

Which they gave to the poor

At the 2nd Street Soup Kitchen

- Where they all volunteered

They served secondhand food

'Til it all disappeared

They fed people who were homeless

And some who were just hungry

Who would come to the 2nd Street Soup Kitchen

When their bellies got grumbly

They ate day-old donuts

And day-old "fresh bread"

And while none of it was fancy

Everyone left fed

So secondhand Stephen

Didn't mind, anyway

That he had a secondhand life

When he woke every day

Because Stephen was happy

In his home filled with joy

For his family was together

And that was better than toys

Now Stephen has a talent

Which he shares with boys and girls

Which he shares with both his parents

And hopes to show the world

That with secondhand pencils,

And pastels and pens

And paints that are dry

And brushes that bend

And with charcoal from chimneys

Or with juice from a beet

He can make any picture

That he's started to think.

He made a war between dragons

That was covered in fire

Where both dragons roared

As they flew ever higher

Both kicking and punching

And fighting in waves

'Til they gave up

- Too tired

And went back to their caves

He drew a unicorn once

Who's horn was a red flame

Which Stephen designed

For when he makes video games

With trolls, giants and orcs

And elves, dwarves and thieves

That fight in big battles

- Stephen draws them as he sees

Which ones are the heroes?

And which ones enemies?

How one day war is over

How one day there is peace

Which then makes him draw a pasture

And a forest with the moon

And knights swinging swords

- All in one afternoon

And then he shares with his friends

Who make stories for each one

Then they act them all out

Until each battle is won!

One day Stephen

Was at the 2nd Street Soup Kitchen

It was really cold outside

And people were slipping

On ice that was frozen

From the night gone before

And so over and over

People came through the door

Of the 2nd Street Soup Kitchen

'Til the room filled with warmth

From a room filled with people

Just trying to keep warm

And there in the crowd

Was a girl dressed in blue

With the lightest blonde hair

And eyes like the moon

Blue eyes like the color

Of a glacier that melts

Stephen saw in her smile

She was like no one else

Stephen shared all his pictures

To her eyes - as she stared

And as he flipped through his notebook

She started to share

"Hi - My name is Tarynn

- And I like to write

It's something I do

Almost every night

I like to write stories

- But I can't make those drawings

And then she pointed at his notebook

And said:

"Wow - They are awesome!"

Tarynn kept sharing

She told Stephen such stories!

They were fantastic and funny

Like things seen in movies

When he went with his parents

To Saturday matinees

When it cost only four dollars

So early in the day

So they started making stories

Stephen and Tarynn together

She'd write some great words

And he'd draw them as pictures

And as they worked together

Things just started to look

With her words

- and his pictures

Like the pages of books

So they wrote their first story

About their first meeting

About how he made pictures

And she filled them with meaning

With each one, helping the other

They always ended up even

So they made their first book

And called it "Secondhand Stephen"
